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  • Aug 05 2014

    Vacationing with your pets: Car travel

    Car travel with your pet For many of us, we consider our pets’ part of our family. So it is no surprise that when we plan a weekend away, we…

  • Jul 18 2014

    Lyme disease and our pets: Part 3 – Proper tick removal

    Proper Tick removal It is important to check your pets that are outside regularly for ticks. Although dogs are capable of becoming infected with the Lyme organism, ticks can also…

  • Jul 14 2014

    Lyme disease and our pets: Part 2 – How it’s diagnosed, how it’s treated, and how to prevent it.

    Diagnosis Lyme disease is a perplexing condition as it can present in so many different ways. If a tick is found on your dog, it is important that it is…

  • Jul 10 2014

    Lyme disease and our pets: Part 1 – What it is, how it is transmitted, and how it affects our pets (and us!)

    Lyme disease is an infection caused by a corkscrew-shaped bacterium called, Borrelia burgdoferi. These bacteria are spread most commonly by the bite of a Blacklegged Tick (formerly known as Deer…

  • Aug 30 2013

    Pet Foods

    Recently through the Animal Clinic of Brooklin’s reception staff we have been getting a lot of inquiries regarding pet foods and what clients should be feeding their pets. I thought…

  • Aug 14 2013

    Help us name our Puppy…

    I thought that for our first blog here at the Animal Clinc of Brooklin we would start off with something fun. For those of you that come to our clinic…

  • Mar 19 2013


    Nitrous is a 12 year old maine coon/mix, that came to be with us the beginning of 2013. She is a very sweet loving girl who just wants to be out…

  • Mar 19 2013


    Skeezix is an 8year old DSH that has been with us now since the beginning of 2011. She is very sweet once she has warmed up to you and quite…

  • Mar 19 2013

    Lea – ADOPTED

    Lea is an 8year old DSH when have had here with us since the beginning of 2012. She’s got a very big larger than life personalitiy, She’s very loving and with just…